{"id":19856,"date":"2022-04-26T13:58:58","date_gmt":"2022-04-26T17:58:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=19856"},"modified":"2022-04-26T13:58:58","modified_gmt":"2022-04-26T17:58:58","slug":"soniq-inch-closer-to-2022-pubg-global-championship-after-impressive-continental-series-6","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/soniq-inch-closer-to-2022-pubg-global-championship-after-impressive-continental-series-6\/","title":{"rendered":"Soniq inch closer to 2022 PUBG Global Championship after impressive continental series 6"},"content":{"rendered":"

The PUBG Continental Series (PCS) 6 Americas has finally come to an end after a thrilling thirty-round marathon in two weeks.<\/p>\n

Soniqs, who finished in first place, has been rewarded with 450 PUBG<\/a> Global Championship (PGC) points and $60,000 of the $250,000 prize pool. With that many points, the North American Kings have inched closer to a spot in the global championship.<\/p>\n

To qualify for the global championship via points, Soniqs need to finish at least fifth in their next two events. They have the ESL Masters Phase 2 and PUBG Continental Series 7 to gather as many points as possible for the showdown of the season.<\/p>\n

As things stand, they have a total of 545 points, 165 more points than eUnited, who has the second-most points in the Americas<\/a>.<\/p>\n

So far this season, their worst finish was third in the ESL Masters Phase 1 behind eUnited and Shoot To Kill. For their effort in that competition, they were awarded 95 PGC points.<\/p>\n

While point gathering will undoubtedly be crucial in their quest for a PGC qualification, it might not be necessary. If they manage to win PCS 7, they will get automatic seeding to the 2022 PGC.<\/p>\n

Although there is not much information on how the 2022 PGC will run, Soniqs could be one of 32 teams fighting for a larger piece of the prize pool. Last year, they had a total prize pool of $4,340,000, and there is a chance it might be more for 2022.<\/p>\n

Six slots have been allotted to Americas, and given how well they have played in their first two competitions, it will be a travesty if they lose their way and fail to get the needed points to secure their qualification.<\/p>\n

A recap of Soniqs performance in the PBUG Continental Series 6 Americas<\/h2>\n

Soniqs put together an outstanding display in the PCS 6, to the surprise of many. Not much was expected from the team given their slow start to the year, but they successfully turned things around.<\/p>\n

The team almost missed the PCS 6 following a late qualification through the last chance qualifier, and that was the reality check they needed. They took the opportunity to once again assert their dominance in NA.<\/p>\n

It was an interesting ten days for Soniqs, as they put together mind-blowing numbers in the tournament. Kills came easy, as it seemed like every move they made ended in their favor.<\/p>\n

The tournament followed a simple format, where teams gain points via kills and placement points. A first-place finish will earn the team ten points, while player points are also awarded for every enemy player killed.<\/p>\n

These make up for the team’s total match points per round. Although there was a system that helped to tackle ties, Soniqs did not need it as they were miles ahead of their opponents.<\/p>\n

Of the 30 rounds played, Soniqs won a tournament-best seven, while the closest team in that category finished with five. They accumulated a total of 165 kills to finish ahead of YAHO, who had 154. Soniqs finished with 289 total points (placement and kill).<\/p>\n

If the Soniqs continue with their impressive form, qualification to the PUBG Global Championship 2022 is a guarantee.<\/p>\n

There is still a lot of action to look forward to in PUBG, as Europe and Asia are yet to commence the PCS 6. Both regions will start on April 29 and will run till May 8.<\/p>\n

Players will also be playing for a chance to represent their countries in the PUBG Nations Cup returning this year. That tournament will run for three days from June 16, with a $500,000 prize pool to be shared among nations.<\/p>\n

\u2028More esports news<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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