On Wednesday, the American Apex Legends player Aidan “rocker” Grodin, who was formerly from Cloud9, announced his retirement from the competitive scene.
The news of rocker’s retirement has come as a shock to his fans. The 19-year-old player only kicked off his Apex Legends journey in 2020 and has represented just two teams. Both of which are NRG, which he represented from May 2022, to July 2022 before joining Cloud9 in August 2022 and leaving just after about four, which was recently in December of last year.
Following his departure from Cloud9, rocker began playing on a free-agent squad in the ALGS 2023 Split 1 with “Osivien” in 2023. Unfortunately, they were placed below the top 20 in the 30-team tournament, hence his squad was unable to advance to the ALGS Playoffs.
Rocker said in a TwitLonger that his reason for retiring was that he does not feel the enthusiasm to play the game, and he revealed that he gets bored after spending just two hours playing.
“I’m done with apex. I’ve been lying to my self for awhile saying I want to grind and that I enjoy the game, but in reality I just cannot seem to enjoy it- let alone play the game for more than 2 hours at a time. This on top of the legal issues I’ve had in this game I’m just over it at this point,” he said.
The player also disclosed that his attempts to form a team in an effort to revive the enthusiasm he previously had for playing in the game failed. He claimed that the battle royale genre had absolutely worn him out. In addition, he would not be playing Apex Legends or any other Battle Royale games if he decides to return to the esports scene. He reveals that creating content and streaming make him feel better than playing competitively.
“I thought that creating a new team and grinding back to where I used to be would spark something, but it just didn’t. I’d feel bad to half-ass grind with Osivien and our third to just do mediocre, I’d rather just give him the spot and let him pick up two players that want to grind with him. I’m tired of competitive BR, and apex competitive has felt like a side job compared to streaming for the longest time which sucks imo. The next game I play professionally (assuming I’m still playing) will most likely will not be a BR,” rocker continued.
At the end of his TwitLonger, he expressed his gratitude to his fan base and everyone who had his back throughout his journey.
“From grinding as a complete random at the start of the game with nafen, to playing on a stage in front of thousands of people, it’s been surreal and I have no regrets. I’ll still be around here and there in streams and stuff, but yeah no more apex for me,” he said.
“Thank you to everyone that has supported me through the years, it means the world <3." Rocker's top performances in challenging competitions include their third-place position in ALGS: 2022 Split 2 Pro League - North America. Rocker and his NRG teammates gave it their all in the ALGS: 2022 Split 2 Playoffs, but they ended up in eighth place. The ALGS: 2022 Split One Championship was Rockers' final game, and the squad finished in a less-than-impressive ninth position. More esports news